Tretford eco carpets - more nature under your feet

Tretford's eco carpets guarantee durability and are a perfect choice for the home as well as for use in offices, day centres and hotels.

To make a price inquiry, please follow these steps:
1. Open the designer on our Tretford partners page.
2. Select the configuration you like.
3. Save your selected and created project/design.
4. The moment you click on the SAVE button, you will be shown two options. Please select Send link as email.
5. Then you will have the opportunity to send the design you like by email. Add recipient address
6. Send us the saved design/project.
7. Once we receive your desired configuration, we will work with Tretford to prepare a delivery quote for you.

Individual eco designer!

Palette of all natural colours


The revolutionary thing about Tretford's eco-friendly carpets is that they are made from cashmere goat hair, which is extremely durable and resistant to various temperature influences. The cashmere goats of Mongolia, from which the raw material for the moccasins is sourced, differ from the common European domestic goat in that they live on the high plateaus of Asia where they are exposed to extreme temperatures. In winter, temperatures can reach minus 40 degrees Celsius and in summer they climb to over 30 degrees Celsius. In autumn, these goats build a sheath of fine wool to protect themselves from the extremely cold temperatures. In spring they shed this 'winter coat', which is the raw material for making Tretford's eco products.

Cashmere goat hair is among the finest types of fabric that exist in the world and is noticeably finer than the finest sheep's wool.

Frequently Asked Questions

The entire surface of the carpet must be adhered to the flooring with a suitable adhesive to ensure the full 5-year warranty. Careful floor preparation is essential for optimum results.

When laying carpet over underfloor heating, make sure the entire surface is glued down. Observe the maximum temperature limits of the heating system and ensure that there is sufficient relative humidity during the heating period.
Ако температурата, която трябва да се поддържа е твърде висока, то килимите и мокетите на Tretford не са подходящи за използване с този тип отоплителна система.